Business Communication

What soft skills are important for your employees?

November 3, 2022

Sean McKay

Soft skills are a key part of developing strong independent workers who can effectively navigate tricky situations and overcome issues for themselves. Further than this, soft skills are also essential to develop a team that can work well together and communicates efficiently in order to achieve goals. There are lots of soft skills that can help your team, but here are some of the most important that you should cultivate in your employees to benefit your business.


Communication is a soft skill that is hugely important no matter what field you work in. When in a team, communication is essential to ensure all tasks are carried out in the most efficient way and that everybody is contributing without any messages getting mixed up. Even in a more independently based role, communication is required to work with manufacturers, staff, or customers, to whom you must be able to offer a clear and calm line of communication.


Collaboration may be something that takes a while for some people to get used to, however, learning to work effectively with others is one of the best ways to ensure projects are completed to an outstanding level. Being able to cooperate with colleagues means a wider pool of opinions and ideas which is the only way to continually improve and spot errors.


Teamwork is important, however, having the skills to problem solve and overcome problems for yourself is also a fundamental characteristic of a great employee. Fostering this in your staff will create a much more smoothly operating workforce where each individual is able to manage and overcome issues and challenges as they arise.

Active Listening

Everybody knows how frustrating it is to have to repeat yourself or try to explain something over and over again. This is more true than ever in a professional environment. Promoting active listening amongst your staff can help to avoid this and also saves time as workers can quickly get on with tasks. As well as this it promotes stronger relationships and better teamwork as active listening demonstrates a dedication to the role and a willingness to pay attention and take the matter at hand seriously.

How can you help employees develop these skills?

Understanding the importance of these skills is the first step. The next is instilling them into your workforce. Phoenix can do exactly that through instructor-led training which can be run either in person or online according to your preference. We can help to improve the soft skills of your employees and therefore improve job satisfaction too. Studies have shown that 93% of workers would stay in their roles longer if the company they worked for was more invested in their careers, meaning offering soft skill development could also be a great move to retain your staff.

Our instructor-led courses are a great way to improve engagement too, so make sure to get in touch and choose Phoenix for your staff’s soft skills training today.

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