Giving Back

We Volunteered at the Maryland Food Bank Again

July 16, 2015

Guest Author

Between summer vacation, baseball games, the beach and swimming pools, work and family obligations, it’s hard finding time to give back. The Maryland Food Bank is still active during the summer hours and they are always in need of volunteers.

Last week we returned to the Food Bank to volunteer.

Masters of the Conveyor Belt

There are varied tasks for volunteers. Like our last visit to the Food Bank, we spent time on the conveyor belt packing different donated goods to ship out to organizations who give out the food. The donated food, from Wegmans, Giant, churches, and other organizations, goes round and round on the conveyor belt as people at individual stations pack it away to send out. Everything from Bush’s Baked Beans and Manwich to topical creams, we packed donated goods into box after box.

Check out a few pictures from our day at the Foodbank below!


What was unique about this experience was the chance to work with the many daily volunteers who dedicate countless hours throughout the year to helping out. These “regulars ” volunteers demonstrate an admirable attitutde towards giving back. This outlook and dedication makes a substantial difference at the Maryland Food Bank, animal shelters, soup kitchens, Habitat for Humanity, or other local organizations near you.

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