Business Communication

Three reasons instructor-led learning can help your business move forward

September 1, 2022

Sean McKay

Let’s start with the basics – what exactly is instructor-led learning? Put simply instructor-led or synchronous learning is learning that is facilitated by someone with experience and understanding of the subject. It can be delivered online or face-to-face and is easily adapted to a hybrid method. Instructor-led learning is especially useful in developing soft skills that require more understanding of nuance and human interaction than simple fact-based learning.

How can instructor-led learning help your business move forward

Instructor-led learning works for all types of learners

You may or may not be familiar with the concept of learning styles – your instructor will be. This means they can adapt a learning session to meet the needs of the class, rather than the class having to adapt in order to learn. They may choose to use a lot of interactive activities or make use of visuals – or simply delve into the theory. The key is that a real-life instructor can pick up on what works well for any given group, so you can be confident your team is learning and learning well.

Instructor-led learning has real-life resonance

Instructor-led learning allows for real-life experiences to be shared. Learners can take part in role-play, engage in dynamic discussions, and raise concerns or questions in real-time. The instructor is in place as an expert in their field and is equipped with the skills to respond to the various concerns that learners will have. A skilled instructor will build trust and provide a safe forum for concerns to be expressed.

Soft skills are notoriously hard to teach. These are skills that require specific behaviors that may or may not come naturally to your employees. By choosing to use instructor-led learning these behaviors can be explained, understood, and honed by your colleagues in a way that will exact positive change in the workplace.

Instructor-led learning can secure future growth

For employees, feeling fulfilled at work is as important as financial reward. In the 2022 PWC CEO Survey, some 69% of employees ranked being fulfilled at work as important – just two percentage points below financial reward.

Instructor-led training allows your employees to gain a real understanding of their field, to learn in a way that emphasizes relationships over facts, and to understand their role in creating a workplace that works for you, your customers, and your colleagues.

Choosing to use live training rather than book-based learning brings the role to life, eliminates the sense of the job being a series of tick boxes, and helps employees feel passionate about their role. All of these elements combine to create a workforce that feels fulfilled, valued, and fully focused on growth.

Why choose Phoenix TS

We’ve been in the business since 1998. We understand the transformative value of quality training and we understand the level of investment it represents for both employees and employers. We offer a range of award-winning training in a range of settings and pride ourselves on offering sound solutions to every type of business. To find out more just head over to our contact page.

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